Turn Your Unused Textbooks Into Cash
Sell your old textbooks to Book Reborn and support affordable education while earning money.
Earn Cash
Get paid for textbooks you no longer use
Support Sustainability
Contribute to a sustainable future by keeping books in circulation
Help Students
Make learning materials more accessible and affordable
How It Works
Submit Book Details
Share information about your books, including their subject, grade, and condition. Upload clear images of the front cover and pages.
Quality Assessment
Our team will carefully evaluate your books to determine their condition and market value.
Secure Payment
Receive prompt payment through your preferred method after book verification.
Book Details
Why Sell Your Books ?
Earn Cash
Earn cash for textbooks you no longer use.
Contribute to a sustainable future by keeping books in circulation.
Help Other
Help other students access affordable learning materials.
How It Works
Donate, Rent, or Sell
Give old books a new purpose or rent the ones you need.
We clean and protect every book for long-lasting use.
Books are shipped to students across Ghana.